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Thank you notes are now high on the 2019 endangered habits list.

Etiquette experts are pleading for you to do your part in helping bring them back from extinction.  Are you helping revive this lost art with your children?

It’s always best to write a thank you note within a day or two of receiving a gift.  Sooner is always better than later. Sit down with your children and help them learn how to write thank you notes for their gifts. This habit is best started when your children are young.  Try to avoid pre-written cards that seem to be popular these days.  These are the ones which say something along the lines of “Thank you for the ________.” They don’t really convey much effort and appreciation.

The note should be short and sweet, but more than the 1 sentence. Thank the giver for the gift, list one thing the recipients likes about the gift or how she plans to use it.  This time of year it is easy to conclude with wishing the giver a very happy new year.  Ooph offers a thank you note cheat sheet that follows the 3 sentence rule.


Personalized cards are available from itsybitsypaper.

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Check out The Speckled Duck for a selection of cute kids cards. Warning: don’t be tempted by their fill in the blank cards.

warm thanks

Who wouldn’t appreciate a warm thanks?


We think this one’s a hoot from smallfrynotables.

Visit Emily Post online for more tips.

If we all put in a little effort, teach our children to show their gratitude with a hand written thank you note, this endangered list may disappear.