Archives for the month of: July, 2013


Watermelon Shark

Watermelon is a great way to hydrate and you can’t let summer pass you by without dazzling (or frightening) the fam this shark. Rachael over at Sun Scholars shows you how to make this amazing  Watermelon Shark, this week’s Recipe for Fun.

Gotta make this for my brother who didn’t take bath for months after seeing the movie Jaws. Lucky for him we had a shower.

Staying hydrated during this heat wave can be a challenge. Evenflo offers 5 tips on how to defeat the heat:

Tip # 1: Either mostly or completely cut out soda from your child’s diet. There is no nutritional value in it, and all it does is dehydrate their body even more than it already is. If your child is going to miss the soda, try giving them water with some fruit slices that will naturally add some flavor and sweetness.

Tip #2: Provide your children with snacks that will not only fill them up, but hydrate them. For example, cucumbers are almost completely made up of water, which makes them a light, refreshing snack. Other good choices are watermelon, citrus fruits, grape tomatoes, and colorful bell peppers. If your child gets turned off by the veggies, try cutting them into fun shapes or providing a healthy dip like yogurt or hummus, which also gives them a protein punch.

Tip #3: This one helps when you have kids who are too “busy” playing to stop to munch a snack, is to make it fun. My daughter almost always comes running when I make fruit caterpillars for her. All you need are toothpicks and fruit (just be careful if you give these to small children). Kids can even help make these, which can be a fun learning activity as well. Your child can make patterns with the fruit alternating grapes, blueberries, strawberries, or kiwi pieces. You can also make veggie caterpillars, which when you add some small pieces of cheese, adds some protein as well. The munching possibilities are endless!
Tip #4: Here’s a simple one, if you know you’re heading outside to be in the sun, try to get your kids to drink some extra liquids before you leave, so you won’t have to worry quite as much once you get to your sunny destination.

Tip #5: When your kids have their hydrating snacks and drinks, make sure you join them! It’s just as important that mommies take care of themselves as well. You set the example for your kids, so if they see you taking care of yourself, chances are they’ll follow!


Want to know when a Watermelon is ripe?

There’s an app for that!

The Melon Meter claims to help you choose a ripe watermelon using the microphone on your iPhone!

take for granted

bookshelf man

Summer Savings for All

ice chalk stars
Hello! I am Lorie from Reading Confetti.

I’m a reading specialist turned SAHM to two preschoolers. I share fun activities and crafts and often a book related to our project. When it’s hot outside, you can usually find us doing classic summertime activities in an attempt to stay cool: running through the sprinkler, making ice cream, and drawing with sidewalk chalk.

What’s that you say? Drawing with sidewalk chalk doesn’t keep you cool? You must not be using the right kind! How about some ice chalk?

ice chalk

Ice chalk is the perfect way for kids to spend a summer afternoon getting creative. And it’s easy and inexpensive too!

ice chalk rainbow

My favorite is the rainbow chalk.


But I like the popsicle chalk too.

fizzy ice

The kids like the fizzy ice chalk.


It gets messy.

clean up

But even the clean up is fun.

Come on over and visit us at Reading Confetti for 7 different ways to make ice chalk!

Lorie, thanks for sharing this “cool” summertime fun idea!

Rothwell Chase Twin Captain's Bed
Take 15% OFF* the Rothwell Chase Twin Big Bookcase Bed
Maximize your storage space.
Crafted of the finest pine solids and veneers then stained a classic brown cherry. The twin size platform
bed, bookcase, and mattress supports are all included. The underbed storage drawers are priced
separately, see below. 51″W x 81″L x 48″H