Archives for category: social media

Social media, are you addicted, affected or connected? At one time the back fence was the pipeline and lifeline for neighbors. Where are we today?









Some old-timers remember when meaningful conversations took place around the dinner table. Family members found it an opportunity to catch up with each other and shared their day’s activities.

Now try to imagine this, there were homes that only had one telephone (landline) and it was not answered during dinnertime.


An article published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology speaks to how using your phone at dinner is not just plain out rude but also makes you unhappy. Technology at the table tends to cause people to feel more distracted and less socially engaged.

How often while dining out at a restaurant do we see a child acting out, and instead of engaging, a parent hands over a tablet or phone to distract the child with a game of baby leapfrog?

How does your family handle the once sacred family dinner, technology at the table or good old-fashioned human conversation?



Social media, are you addicted, affected or connected? The back fence at one time was the pipeline and lifeline for neighbors. Where are we today?








Some old timers remember when good conversation took place around the dinner table. There were homes that only had one telephone (land line) and it was not answered during dinner.

Who: You and all of your friends, especially the ones that are on @twitter.

What: Come to Twin Cities Got Blood? Tweetup. There is no conference or speaker or discussion. Just come and hang out. Bring business cards, don’t bring business cards, it doesn’t matter. Just show up, meet new friends and have fun! You give the blood – we give the “Blood”y Marys & Mimosas (virgin for this event), coffee, oj, pastries and fruit. All donors will receive a $15.00 Gift Card.

When: Saturday, November 20th 2010 @ 10A.M – 3P.M.

Why: Save Lives and have fun. Please tweet all of your friends!

MAKE AN APPOINTMENT November 20, 2010 from 10AM – 3PM

It always helps us to know in advance when you are coming in to make a donation.

All donors will receive a $15.00 Totally Kids Gift Card after they have given their blood. Yes, even employees! The Gift Card makes a super holiday gift!



Be sure to drink plenty of fluids the day of your donation.

Wear Something Comfortable

Wear clothing with sleeves that can easily be rolled up above the elbow.

Maintain a Healthy Level of Iron in Your Diet Before Donating

If possible, include iron-rich foods in your diet, especially in the weeks before your donation.

Blood Donation Process

Bring a List of Medications You Are Taking

We will need to know about any prescription and/or over the counter medications that may be in your system.

Blood Donation Process

Bring an ID

Please bring either your donor card, driver’s license or two other forms of identification.

Bring a Friend

Bring along a friend, so that you may both enjoy the benefits of giving blood.


Blood donation is a simple and very safe procedure so there is nothing to worry about.

Or as Annie says, “Give Blood – Starve a Mosquito!”

Need Blood?

Vampire Brew