Archives for the month of: August, 2014

Sunday Cans

“Can” you imagine a Sunday filled with fun and exciting ideas for the entire family to do together?

Visit KugAlls for inspiration on making these Sunday cans full of great ideas and activities.


Lorraine used Popsicle sticks and then Mod Podged the printed ideas on to them. For a complete tutorial with downloadable printable ideas hop on over to her blog.

Tin Can Telephone

Hello?… Anybody recall the tin can phone? Can you remember how they were made? They could make a comeback with instructions from

Can Cakes

“Can”t let the can ideas go without remembering can cakes. Oh Happy Day will teach you how easy it is to make these delightful little cakes from everyday tin cans.

1950 Public Pay Phone at Totally Kids

Have your friends and family use this 1950’s Pay Phone
and watch the money pile up.

Forget E-mail, try a little chit chat on your replica
1950’s pay phone. Drop in your nickel and you will
hear the original brass jingle. It accepts and stores
coins as a full feature coin bank with lock and key.
Features include a rotary look keypad with push
buttons, pulse/tone, ringer volume control, wall
or desk mount. Build of heavy ABS Plastic cabinet
with chrome accents Great for kids and adults!
18-1/4″ H x 9″ W x 6-1/2″ D

Tip: great way to get paid to talk.



It’s a good day to melt some heat away.

There are many versions of ice cube painting. We’re going to try the Kool-Aid one but definitely outside today where it is very hot, not to mention MESSY. We’ll let you know how it goes and if it turns into semi-permanent body painting with colorful little fingers.

Share & Remember freezes liquid water colors by filling the trays with water first, then added watercolors & stirred which are left to freeze overnight.


Keep the painting project less messy by freezing Popsicle sticks in the ice cubes.

Our approach will be to let the little Van Goghs cool off their hands as much as possible while creating their masterpieces hopefully on large sheets of paper.

Ice painted gift wrap!

Minieco put her 3 year old to work which resulted in brilliant and  most amazing gift wrap.

Our recipe was mixing 5 flavors of kool-aid with about 1/4 cup of water for each color, then freezing the colors into a few ice cubes. The less water you use, the more vibrant your colors will be.
We know that this will be super messy and must caution all that it will stain clothes and hands.