Archives for the month of: March, 2013

Easter Egg Hunt at Totally Kids fun furniture & toys

It’s almost that time of year again when the Easter Bunny starts making tracks and delivering eggs and treats around the world. So, here are some suggestions of what to do while you and the kiddos are waiting


NORAD tracks Santa but can not track the Easter Bunny because the Easter Bunny does not fly. He just hops around the world, right? Once again, like last year,  there is the iPhone 3D Easter Bunny Tracker app. This year you can track the Easter Bunny with The Bunny Tracker.

Here’s something to do while you’re waiting for the Easter Bunny to arrive: play some Easter Bunny games, read poems, download some coloring pages, catch up on your trivia, or come to Totally Kids fun furniture & toys on Saturday, March 30th for our annual Easter Egg Hunt.

There will be games, face-painting, refreshments and free prizes all day long .

Every child will go home with a free toy prize – and hopefully a basket full of goodies! Hop on in…we hope to see you there while waiting for the Easter Bunny!

Egg Cup-cakesYour kids will love these eggs when they peel away the egg shell and discover cake hidden inside! The Cupcake Project will show you how you can have this special surprise treat for Easter morning.

Jello Filled Eggs

 Oh Happy Day! has a cracked egg recipe for Easter too. Give it a try or save it for an April Fools Day trick next week. There’s always room for Jello.


Here’s looking at you! With their googley eyes and a full head of cress, who wouldn’t love these cracked eggs.  Nurture Store has the pictorial for those want to grow their very own Eggheads.

Get Crack’n; Easter is just around the corner.

PassoverPassover  2013 or “Pesakh”begins at sunset tonight. It is an eight day celebration observed each year by the Jewish religion. It commemorates the freeing of the Israelites (biblical name for the Jews) from slavery after centuries of poverty and oppression under the reign of the cruel Egyptian, Pharaoh Ramses II.

Families celebrate Passover by having a Seder with special foods, songs, and customs.  The Seder is the focal point of the Passover celebration. Seder means order, and the passover story is read in order from a book called a Haggadah.

This wooden child size Passover teaching set includes a Seder plate, goblet, two pieces of matza, bottle of wine, prayer book Afikomen and matza covers.

Although there are a number of food-related traditions that are observed during Passover, perhaps the most important part of the celebration is the ritual retelling of the Exodus story. In the Torah’s Book of Exodus, Jews are exhorted to tell their progeny about the enslavement and escape of the ancient Israelites. The act of recounting this story in a ceremony known as Magid forms a key component of the Seder feast, and it is told from a special text known as the Haggadah. The ceremony is meant to be interactive and inclusive, and includes questions and answers, special blessings, discussions, and songs. The story is usually told in both Hebrew and the native language of the majority of the guests attending the feast, according to tradition.

Apples 4 the Teacher explains Passover:

Fearing that Jews were becoming too strong, a Pharaoh decreed that all male Jewish babies were to be killed. Jocheved and Amran, a Jewish couple, wanted to save their infant son – so they put him in a basket that floated him down the river. The infant was rescued by the Pharaoh’s daughter and she raised him as her own son. She named the baby Moses, which means ” take from the water.”

When Moses grew up, he empathized with the Jewish slaves and tried to get the Pharaoh to free them. The Pharaoh refused – so there were 10 plagues sent down to Egypt: Blood, Frogs, Lice, Beasts, Cattle Disease, Boils, Hail, Locusts, Darkness, and Slaying of the Firstborn. The name Passover comes from the Plague of Slaying the Firstborn. The Angel of Death passed over the homes of the Jews who had put lambs blood on their doors.

After the 10th plague, Pharaoh agreed to let the Jewish slaves go. They gathered up their belongings quickly, and didn’t have time for their bread to rise, so they had to bake it and take it the way it was. This is why the Jewish people eat matzah during Passover.

As the Jews were fleeing, Pharaoh changed his mind, and sent his army after the people to bring them back. Moses parted the Red Sea for the Jews to cross, and as soon as they were safely to the other side, the waters closed on the soldiers, drowning them all. The Jewish people were free.

We wish all of our friends near and far a Joyous Passover!


Last year we collected a basket full of those ever plentiful, colorful little plastic Easter Eggs and turned them into our favorite treats. This was voted the most favorite cook together. Round up your kiddos and give it a try.  This time, we are changing it up a bit and hiding some M&Ms in the centers of the Rice Krispies as we shape them into eggs.

Tried and True Easter Egg Stuffing Recipe

  • 3 tablespoons butter or margarine
  • 1 package (10 oz., about 40) regular marshmallows
  • – OR –
  • 4 cups miniature marshmallows
  • 6 cups Rice Krispies cereal

1. In large saucepan melt butter over low heat. Add the marshmallows and stir until they are completely melted. Remove from heat.

2. Add Rice Krispies and stir until well coated.

3. Using a buttered spatula, stuff  the mixture into your little plastic eggs which you will see are perfect molds.

WARNING: Two batches may be necessary to fill your eggs. At our house, the stuffing disappears quickly before making it to stuff the eggs.

We’re hoping your family enjoys This Week’s Recipe For Fun!

SnowmanIf you are here in Minnesota today, there is absolutely no sign of Spring. Snowmen still stand proud and tall. No Tulips, Daffodils or a blade of green grass to be seen.  It is impossible to think Spring when the ground is yet snow covered and 5 degrees Fahrenheit welcomes you for your morning drive to work. All I can say to this is: Brrrrr and hurry up Spring,  you know that you should be making your appearance today.

Inside Totally Kids fun furniture & toys….well, that’s another matter. Look at the Pom Poms that Michelle added over the Ultra High Stella Loft Bed.

Hanging Pom Poms

You too can add Springtime Pom Poms to your room. Let us show you how easy it is.

Pom Pom package

The easy peasy DIY Pom Poms come in these neat little magic packages.

Michelle fluffing a Pom Pom

Michelle opens the magic Pom Pom package and fluffs it out.

Michelle hanging Pom Poms

Michelle then takes the finished product Pom Poms to new heights. We at Totally Kids fun furniture & toys would welcome Spring 2013 wherever you are.

junior astronaut helmut large

Today we celebrate First Walk in Space Day.

Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov, of the former Soviet Union, was  born May 30, 1934 in Listvyanka, Kemerovo Oblast.  He is a retired Russian cosmonaut and Air Force General who, on  March 18, 1965, became the first human to step out of a spacecraft and walk in space.

While talking about space today, we thought what a perfect day to make and play with some moon sand.


Try this recipe  for moon sand, it is amazing moldable, holdable, squishable, squashable, sand that never dries out!

For anybody needing a Jr. Astronaut Helmet, you will find the latest and greatest ones right here.

Easter Starters

This year, while waiting for Peter Cottontail, look at this fantastic idea of what to do with all those colorful plastic eggs that seem to multiply as fast as Peter Rabbit’s cousins.

Brandie, at Home Cooking Memories, shows us how we can make our Easter dinner tables more memorable with her Easter Egg Starters.

Hop on over to her site for the printable Easter Dinner Conversation Starters to tuck inside the eggs. There are questions like “If you had a $100.00 bill in your Easter basket, what would you do with it?” or “Share 5 things that you do well.”

We think this is a winning idea and definitely a Recipe for Fun.


Don’t forget your feathered friends on St. Patrick’s Day.

This activity is a perfect do together with young children. All you need is green pipe cleaners and some Fruit Loops.


String the Fruit Loops on to the pipe cleaners.


Erin and Erica complete the project by shaping the pipe cleaners in to Shamrocks.


The Shamrocks are now ready to hang on trees outside and making a fruitful St. Patrick’s Day for the birds!

Fruit Tree

The Crafty Crow adds fresh fruit to the trees. We think this would be an ideal pairing with the Shamrocks.

Fruit Garlands

Playing By The Book kicks it up a notch for their neighborhood birds with  gourmet fruit garlands.


Building a bird house feeder for our young birdwatchers looks like a weekend project for this cold St. Patrick’s Day weekend. Pop over to Bless This Mess and you will find the construction instructions.


Quit Smoking