Archives for category: Minnesota Twins

Last night, Kate and Michelle visited our Little League Baseball team for a game filled with sun, cheering, sunflower seeds and of course, plenty of mosquito bites — but it was all well worth it!

The team started the season off with a hit — recording two wins and one loss to date.

20130611_18124220130611_180244However, it’s not as much about winning, rather about supporting the team, making friends, and exercising, all while having fun.

Exercise for children is very important that’s why we take pride in being a sponsor. Nowadays, children are spending more time in front of a screen than they are being social and active. This decline in movement is detrimental to the health and motivation in children and that’s why physical activities are so important for kids.

Did you know Kids need at least 60 minutes of physical activity everyday? So how do you keep your kids moving? Check out some of our tips!Tips to get your kids moving!

  1. First and foremost, set a positive example by being an active role model
  2. Make physically activity fun — team sports, running, skating, biking, swimming or playground activities
  3. Limit sedentary time so kids have to find something to do
  4. Make physical activity part of your family’s daily routine by taking family walks or playing active games together

Fun ACTIVE-ities for kids!

Stomp Walker Boy largegold markwort-speed-sensor-9-baseball-500x500 SONY DSC scootcase Skuut_bike_2 squap


October 1st is Vegetarian Awareness Day and it continues all month.

Scare up some Vegetarian Halloween Food.

Monster Food –  Eyeball Caprese for brave of appetite.

Photo Credit: whitneymoss  for this edible Bony Maroney Skeleton. No meat on the bones here. Visually dissect the skeleton for a list of ingredients. Hint: hummus face.

Stuffed Roaches anyone?

Puking pumpkin…… What can I say?

If you’ve just gotta have your meat, disguise it in a Mummy Meatloaf and we won’t tell. Mum’s the word.

This is a little bit more advanced project, but Wow,  how fun would this be to surprise someone with the smashed wicked witches legs sticking out from under the bed?  Diary of a Crafty Lady will show you how.

Our work day ends as  Twins fan Devon throws on her jersey and heads off to the new stadium.  Lisa chooses to cross the  Mississippi  River to St. Paul for a Wild’s game.

Devon now reports on how she helped the Vikings win “we got out our Vikings blanket, and wore different outfits, and I painted my nails purple, which worked last year.” Do you know of others with these powers?


What do you get when you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter? Pumpkin pi.