It’s magic, watch your money disappear, right here!

This magic wallet is one that you can craft from a few simple items.

And like most of us have not effortlessly learned how to make our money disappear!

If you are looking for a handmade thrifty gift, why not give this magic wallet a try. Your supplies include: cardboard, colored ribbon, sticky tape, scissors, and a ruler. Kate from minieco has an excellent pictorial tutorial to get you started.

If you have never seen a  magic wallet before,it’s basically a wallet that opens both ways. Put paper money on top of the green cross, close the wallet, and open it again, it will appear underneath the green cross. If you close and open the wallet again it will appear underneath the yellow lines.

For even more magic, our Abracadabra Magic Set has even more to add to your bag of tricks.

There is a disappearing ball, vanishing coin, magic coin box, cylinder squeeze, secret silks, Egyptian prediction and more.

Ala peanut butter sandwich!



























May we suggest another sure to disappear? These Reindeer Pops that we made last year come highly recommended. They are as tasty as they are cute.