Archives for posts with tag: gardening with kids
Plant Family

Finnd your family roots rooted? Fascinating family faces potted for an early spring. Think Spring!

Crazy kid plant.

Anyone know whose kids these are?  Oh, yes, the neighbor kids.

Even if your thumb isn’t green, go ahead,  give this project a try. It doesn’t look too difficult.

All you need to do is, gather up the perfect plants, a basic pot, family face photos and a transparent plastic pot. For the source, and more photos, check out

Plant FamilyYour family roots rooted in time for gift giving. Find some fascinating family faces, then pot them to delight Grandma after your ride over the river and through the woods.

You could find a great picture of Grandma’s funny face and had her roots.


Crazy kid plant.


Even if your thumb isn’t green, go ahead,  give this project a try. It doesn’t look too difficult.

All you need to do is, gather up the perfect plants, a basic pot, family face photos and a transparent plastic pot. For the 411, and pictorial, check out

Seed Hearts

Not too long ago we were thinking of the winter birds and seeds. Now, with Valentine’s Day fast approaching, seeds blended into heart shapes for friends and family will be a Science Saturday project for the kiddos. We will see if ours turn out as pretty as the inspirational hearts from Hill City Bride. She used them for wedding favors and has a beautiful tutorial.

Seed Bombs

Jamie from Dabbles and Babbles makes these Valentine Seed Bombs that we will attempt making one of these days. Our friends in southern states will be able to plant them weeks before the snow melts here in Minnesota. We will be forced to wait until May for our plantings. But until then, they will provide decoration in a glass vase reminding of future springtime days filled sunshine and summer flowers. Hop on over to Dabbles and Babbles and learn how to create your own Heart Shaped Seed Bombs.

Hope that you give these a try!

Plant FamilyYour family roots rooted? Fascinating family faces potted for an early spring.

Crazy kid plant.

Anyone know whose kids these are?  Oh, yes, the neighbor kids.

Even if your thumb isn’t green, go ahead,  give this project a try. It doesn’t look too difficult.

All you need to do is, gather up the perfect plants, a basic pot, family face photos and a transparent plastic pot. For the source, and more photos, check out

Welcome Spring!

For those of us in the northern hemisphere, Spring officially begins today Monday, March 20, 2012 at 7:21 p.m. with the Vernal Equinox. Vernal translates from Latin meaning Spring. The Equinox happens twice a year, once in the Fall and once in the Spring. The word Equinox translates from Latin words aequus which means equal and nox which translates to night. The location near the equator will have the most equal amount of daylight and nightime at this time.

Our Blossom Bed will bring Springtime freshness to any little princess’s bedroom year round.

It is not many years here in Minnesota we can step outside and know that Spring has arrived from the warmth of the air and buds on the trees.

This year we are taking advantage of the early warm weather and experimenting with inexpensive greenhouses aka plastic totes. At night, just pop on the covers..EZ! The idea began from reading a forum on the Garden Web where folks were tossing around ideas for early starts. This method looks like it will give us a good head start.

Did you know that you can save almost $700.00 in food bills with a 100 square foot vegetable garden according to Mother Earth News?

I ask you, what do you do with your cardboard TP rolls once the paper has disappeared? This earth friendly idea from Saidos  da Concha for up-cycling toilet paper rolls is positively brilliant!

Kelly has many other great ideas shared on Pinterest, take a look!