Archives for posts with tag: princess beds

Tea for Two! Quite timely royal looking tea bags wouldn’t you say?


Take afternoon tea at your house with this   sweet pink pretend wooden tea set including: the cup & saucers, spoons, tea bags, and sugar cubes.


This castle provides hours of royal daytime fun! Then at nightfall her little highness will find peaceful slumber atop in her comfortable castle bed chamber. Once built of stone, but now the castle is crafted of solid birch painted a pure white.

And…for your little prince, his very own castle bed.


It’s A Sign…… that you are raising a future princess.

Update her Royal wardrobe with this pretty pink ensemble.


Know Your British Slang by Marianne Garvey

Dickie Bow: William will be rocking one of these at the wedding, which is what the English call a tuxedo bow-tie, like here. (They make wordplay so much more fun, don’t they?)

Knees-Up: After the party, there’s the afterparty—and this is where these traditionally reserved folk will maybe, actually, boogie on the dance floor! So if this classy affair turns into a full-fledged drunken bash with all-night dancing, Wills and Kate can say everyone got knees-up at the reception.

Life ‘n’ Strife: Ah, the familiar old “ball and chain,” as we’d say in America. The wife, the old lady, the other half. The one who won’t let you stay for one more pint with the boys at the local pub and who makes sure your dickie bow is on straight. “Got to get back around nine for the old life ‘n’ strife” would be a pretty familiar  phrase round these parts.

Bobbies: You know, cops, police. These guys are subdued here—they don’t carry guns and they’re often extremely polite. For those of you who’ve never uttered the phrase, a bunch of bobbies will be lining the streets outside Westminster Abbey when the duo tie the knot.

Pissing Out: Let’s just hope it doesn’t completely piss out as Kate takes the slow route in her horse-drawn carriage from Buckingham Palace to the Abbey Friday morning. The temps here this week has been wonderful, so it would really put a damper on things. As we all know, the weather in London can be rubbish.

Knackered: Washed up, tired, exhausted, spent. What the couple will be feeling the morning after all this planning, dancing, pressure, dress talk, vow swapping and attention.

Morning Coat: No tuxedo here. This fancy, tightly tailored piece is shorter in the front, with a longer tail out back. It’s very smart, as they say here, and the male guests will be rocking the finest these English tailors can make. Here’s Prince William in one.

English Wedding Walk: In small villages in the U.K., the commoner-type bride will stroll to the church where she’ll marry. It’s a great tradition, and often her father will walk with her.

And finally…

Bob’s Your Uncle: Although we can’t picture the bride and groom slinging slang at their über-formal wedding, perhaps one of them will utter this phrase on the honeymoon. Equivalent to “it’s all good,” “no worries” or even “cool.”

Tis the season for jelly beans and we know a lot of beans (in bags) here at Totally Kids, but would never have believed it if not seen with our own eyes. (on the internet) Yes, it is a Kate Middleton Jelly Bean.

It totally looks like Kate. Is it a sign from God? Does it shed tears?

With the Royal Wedding just weeks away, add this to the frenzy:  Kate Middleton is now right up there in the supernatural world with the Virgin Mary whose likeness miraculously appeared on a grilled cheese sandwich.  Then there was Jesus’ face on a pancake and Elvis Presley on a potato chip (crisp in London speak). Now it is Kate Middleton’s likeness recently spotted on a jelly bean.

According to London’s Daily Telegraph, a couple from Somerset, England discovered the yellow and red speckled mango-flavored bean in jar from a place called The Jelly Bean Factory.

The lucky man who unknowingly bought this magical jelly bean for his girlfriend shared his story with the Telegraph:

Mr Hosie said: “As Jessica opened the jar, I saw her immediately. She was literally lying there staring back at me.

“Given that the royal wedding is only a few weeks away, we hope to make a few pounds out of it by selling it on the internet to a collector.”

Now, Mr. Hosie hopes to profit from his find and plans to auction the royal-resembling mango flavored bean for at least $800. When you see the Kate Middleton jelly bean on Ebay, please let us know.


If you are searching for a perfect bed for your little princess, look no farther.


A mix and match puzzle sure to delight young princesses.