Teaching Children Responsibility

Parents often wonder what kind of tasks their children can be expected to participate in at home. Just how much responsibility should be given to a child? While many tasks are beyond a child’s thinking skills and physical capabilities, most of us do not see the tremendous potential we have as parents to teach children responsibility very effectively. Parents are the child’s first and most important teachers and it is through the parents that children learn the quality of responsibility. This means that all parents are responsible for providing this education for their children.

In order to teach responsibility to their children, there are certain things that parents must do. These include:

  1. Create an environment where responsibility is an expectation.
  2. Become role models for the children in the area of responsibility
  3. Teach children to be responsible for their own actions at an early age
  4. Ensure the children know that responsibility is the norm.
  5. Reinforce any responsible behaviors with praise rather than rewards.
  6. Provide consequences for irresponsible behavior to deter any future episodes.


Our Customer  Care Manager,  definitely the most organized member of our team, Lisa’s Staff Pick:

I love My Magnetic Responsibility Chart! As the “Queen of Organization”, I’ve determined that My Magnetic Responsibility Chart will keep families of all sizes organized. It’s simple and easy to use- just divide the chores among your family members and track your progress. You’ll know who cleaned their room, took out the trash, washed the dishes, and even fed the dog! Life keeps us busy, but My Magnetic Responsibility Chart helps make life a little easier (and more organized).


Teaching social responsibility is also important, maybe more than ever in today’s fast paced world.

There are more than 9,654 homeless children, youths and adults in Minnesota. Helping warm a few homeless feet this holiday season would be a gift that your children could participate in by donating a pair or several pairs of new socks for the homeless. A gift too for your child;  learning more about social responsibility at a young age.

Please donate as many new socks as you can. Bring them to Totally Kids fun furniture & toys where they will be distributed to area homeless shelters. Donated socks = 30% OFF ALL TOYS.


Here is a festive teacher gift that would be very easy for kiddos to make all by themselves. Sisters Stuff says “I bought hand sanitizers and took off the labels. I used goo gone to get all the yucky stuff off. Then I just added stickers to the front and some ribbons.” Too cute!


Oh, my gosh like we need another snow storm. Now, our weatherman, the one with a really good snow prediction record, is forecasting the third pre-Christmas BIG snow storm Friday overnight – “A STRONG WINTER STORM WILL BRING HEAVY SNOW”.

Shindig Parties To Go shows us just how much fun it is to build an indoor snowman. (that could melt in your mouth)

If you live in the Twin Cities area, you will be able to build snowmen outdoors Saturday morning! Yay?