The term UpCycle is generally a reinvestment in the environment. In the simplest terms, UpCycling is the practice of taking something that is throwaway and repurposing it into something of greater utilization and intrinsic worth, in its second life.

White Dandelion Works introduced me to what yesterday’s sweater can become. Just look at the soft cashmere hats that are still a necessary wardrobe item here in Minnesota.

Happy  Birthday (day before) yesterday)  Dr. Seuss! White Dandelion Work’s soft hot pink and light pink striped elfin baby hat by was inspired by Dr. Seuss. Made from an upcycled felted sweater it is eco friendly. Cute, cute and it stands up on its own like a pixie’s.

Loneweever UpCycles sweaters into “re-originals” like this pin cushion or brooch cushion.


Heather from Dollar Store Crafts felts sweaters to create stunning mittens. She has a picture tutorial so you too can give it a try.



Put your arms around this idea. The Green Kitchen knows how to turn sweater sleeves into little pants and has a step by step DIY.






Unravel a couple of your no longer favorite sweaters and send the yarn off with dimensions to Biscuit Scout and get a Fisherman style sweater custom knit for your chair.