Archives for posts with tag: summer fun ideas for kids

Leave Your Mark

Move over sand pails and shovels. We plan on adding this to our beach fun time. You can do it too! Have some fun while at the same time you can leave your mark.

It is so very simple, just hot glue foam letters, numbers or shapes on the bottom of flip flops. Think of the fun – leave your mark in the sand. Hint: remember that the prints will be a mirror image, so arrange the letters backward.

School has been out for a while now and quite possibly you may be ready for a little help keeping the kiddos entertained. Here are a few tried and true boredom busters. Go ahead and give them a try and let us know what you think.

DIY Foam Paint

Boredom Buster #1DIY Foam Paint
Learn how to make a foam paint from just 3 ingredients you may have ready and waiting at your house. Round up shaving cream, craft glue and some food coloring then pop over to Dabbles and Babbles for the easy instructions.


Batting Practice

Boredom Buster #2 – Batting Practice

Autie over at orchestrated an amazing baseball birthday party for her son Max that will totally wow you. Do not miss the party pictures. With the temps reaching close to the 100 F mark this week, what could be a more fun way to cool off than with Autie’s water balloon batting practice?

Batter up….

Use some pillows and a pair of dad-size T-shirts to "sumo wrestle."

Boredom Buster #3 – Sumo Wrestling

Sumo wrestlers wanted. (for fun) A couple of Dad’s oversized T-shirts and pillows – then let the fun begin! Check out the proof in pictures at all for the boys blog.

Thrill your kids with frozen dinosaur eggs.

Boredom Buster #4 – Frozen Dinosaur Eggs

It looks like a great week for some frozen dinosaur eggs. Paging fun mums gets the credit for this “cool” boredom buster.

Rainbow Bubble Snakes ~ outdoor fun












Boredom Buster #5 – Rainbow Bubble Snakes

Housing a Forest has a new twist on blowing bubbles and creating some colorful rainbow snakes. This is another boredom buster with items you most likely have at your house.

We invite other ideas for Summertime Boredom Busters.



Leave Your Mark

We plan on doing this for the 4th of July since the ice is barely off the Minnesota lakes for Memorial Day 2013.  For those of you in warmer climates, you may be able to kick off summer fun sooner than we can.

It is so very simple, just hot glue foam letters, numbers or shapes on the bottom of flip flops. Think of the fun – leave your mark in the sand. Hint: remember that the prints will be a mirror image, so arrange the letters backward.

Skip the mosquito swatting and scarey sounds – try indoor camping with the Camp Olson Loft Bed.

Spread out  your sleeping bags under the loft. Play some of the usual campfire games.

Storytelling is a fun “do-anywhere” activity, notes Cindy Ross, co-author of Kids in the Wild: A Family Guide to Outdoor Recreation (Mountaineer Books). “Start with one line that sets a scene, and then take turns adding to the story,” she says. “The more tangents you go off on, the more fun it is!” For example, try “I think I saw a mermaid when I was swimming this morning. I opened my eyes underwater and….” And, of course, set some ground rules about not scaring your siblings. Oh, sure.

Turn off the lights, tell ghost stories, then point a flashlight towards the ceiling and slowly make a hand shadow that looks like a giant’s hand about to grab the little people that are indoor camping.

Sing some camp songs like:

  • She’ll Be Coming ‘Round the Mountain
  • Down By the Bay
  • An Austrian Went Yodeling
  • The Other Day I saw a Bear
  • Rounds-such as Row Your Boat, Sarrasponda and Kookaburra
  • Kum Ba Yah
  • Michael Row the Boat Ashore


Kick it up a notch in the fun department with a Marshmallow Shooter that uses the small size marshmallow.

Did someone say marshmallows? Gotta make S’mores!


Indoor S’mores

Don’t reserve these for campfires–they’re easy to do in the oven.


16- graham cracker squares

4- milk chocolate bars

1- cup mini marshmallows (un-used, not from marshmallow shooter misses)


  1. Preheat broiler.
  2. Arrange half of graham crackers on baking sheet. Top each cracker with 1 piece of the chocolate bars. Broil until chocolate is softened but not melted.
  3. Arrange 2 tablespoons marshmallows on each cracker. Broil until lightly toasted.
  4. Top with remaining crackers and serve.